Bret Saberhagen Starting Pitcher 1994: 14-4, 2.74 ERA
Al Leiter Starting Pitcher 1998: 17-6, 2.47 ERA
Rick Reed Starting Pitcher 1997: 13-9, 2.89 ERA
Frank Viola Starting Pitcher 1990: 20-12, 2.67 ERA
Mark Clark Starting Pitcher 1996: 14-11, 3.43 ERA
Armando Benitez Closer 1999: 22 SV, 1.85 ERA
The New York Mets All-1990s Pitching Staff
as selected by
John Franco Closer 1997: 36 SV, 2.55 ERA
Bullpen: Greg McMichael 1997: 7 SV, 2.98 ERA Dave Mlicki 1996: 1 SV, 3.30 ERA Turk Wendell 1999: 3 SV, 3.05 ERA
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