Kaz Matsui

Kazuo Matsui
Batted: Both
Threw: Right
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Born: October 23, 1975 in Osaka, Japan
Signed: 2003 by the Mets
Departed: traded to the Colorado Rockies with cash for
Eli Marrero, June 2006


Seven-time All-Star, four-time Gold Glove winner, and one-time MVP in Japan, Kaz came to the Mets in 2004 to team at the keystone sack with whiz kid Jose Reyes. His best moments with the Mets came in the first at-bats of each of his three seasons: three home runs! The card pictured here is from after his MLB career, on the 2013 Topps Tribute WBC set; there are several more cards pictured below, including an inspirational 2001 Seibu Lions pocket schedule that urges us to Hit! Foot! Get!


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BATTING RECORD (team-leading totals in red)

2004 *METS*  114  460   
65  125  32  2   7  44  182  14  3   97  40   2   5  2 .331 .396 .272
2005 *METS*   87  267   31   68   9  4   3  24   94   6  1   43  14   5   5  4 .300 .352 .255
2006 2teams   70  243   32   65  12  3   3  26   92  10  1   46  16   0   4  2 .310 .379 .267
2007 Col NL  104  410   84  118  24  6   4  37  166  32  4   69  34   0   8  1 .342 .405 .288
2008 Hou NL   96  375   58  110  26  3   6  33  160  20  5   53  37   0   7  3 .354 .427 .293
2009 Hou NL  132  476   56  119  20  2   9  46  170  19  3   85  34   3  16  4 .302 .357 .250
2010 Hou NL   27   71    4   10   1  0   0   1   11   1  1   10   4   1   2  0 .197 .155 .141

METS TOTALS  239  857  106  219  47  6  11  75  311  22  4  159  60   7  13  6 .308 .363 .256
OTHER CLUBS  391 1445  224  396  77 14  21 136  564  80 14  244 119   4  34 10 .329 .390 .274
CAREER TOTS  630 2302  330  615 124 20  32 211  875 102 18  403 179  11  47 16 .321 .380 .267



2006 *METS*   38  130   10   26   6  0   1   7   35   2  0   19   6   0   3  0 .235 .269 .200
2006 Col NL   32  113   22   39   6  3   2  19   57   8  1   27  10   0   1  2 .392 .504 .345



1995 Sei PL   69  204   25   45   9  1   2  15   62  21  1   26   7   0   7  1 .245 .304 .221

1996 Sei PL  130  473   51  134  22  5   1  29  169  50  9   93  14   3  26  2 .307 .357 .283
1997 Sei PL  135  576   91  178  23 13   7  63  248  62 15   89  44   5  18  2 .362 .431 .309
1998 Sei PL  135  575   92  179  38  5   9  58  254  43 14   89  55   1   6  4 .370 .442 .311
1999 Sei PL  135  539   87  178  29  4  15  67  260  32  7   75  56   0   8  6 .389 .482 .330
2000 Sei PL  135  550   99  177  40 11  23  90  308  26  3   60  46   2   6  7 .372 .560 .322
2001 Sei PL  140  552   94  170  28  2  24  76  274  26  0   83  46   6   4  5 .365 .496 .308
2002 Sei PL  140  582  119  193  46  6  36  87  359  33 11  112  53   4   9  3 .389 .617 .332

2003 Sei PL  140  587  104  179  36  4  33  84  322  13 10  124  55   4   3  6 .365 .549 .305
2011 TRk PL  139  538   51  140  34  2   9  48  205  15  3   94  26   1   4  3 .294 .381 .260
2012 TRk PL  106  402   55  107  22  4   9  43  164  14  3   55  26   1   3  1 .312 .408 .266
2013 TRk PL  125  448   55  111  26  2  11  58  174   1  1   85  40   3   2  4 .311 .388 .248
2014 TRk PL  128  444   57  129  32  3   8  46  191   9  0   78  36   1   2  5 .342 .430 .291
2015 TRk PL  126  445   52  114  17  1  10  48  163  14  2   82  43   3   7  3 .324 .366 .256
2016 TRk PL   56  160   19   34   6  1   2  13   48   3  0   42  17   1   0  1 .291 .300 .213
2017 TRk PL   44   76    6   16   2  1   2  10   26   0  1   23   6   1   0  0 .277 .342 .211
2018 Sei PL   30   39    8    6   1  0   0   2    7   1  0   10   2   0   0  0 .195 .179 .154
CAREER TOTS 1913 7190 1065 2090 411 65 201 837 3234 363 80 1220 572  36 105 53 .344 .450 .291



2023 Sei PL 143  65  77 .458   5th  
2024 Sei PL 143  49  91 .350   6th  
CAREER TOTS 286 141 134 .513        

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This is a list of the cards of this player that I had in my Mets collection before I transferred the ownership of said collection to another diligent and capable Mets fan. The cards that are listed in light gray print and struck through are cards that were sold for charity prior to my divestiture.  The cards listed in white text are the ones that still remained until that final deal.  Items listed in green I kept out of the deal, just so I'd have something to display in my office and den.  At the bottom and listed in orange text are cards that I picked up after the dealing was done, in order to maintain a certain continuity at this site; that is, so I'd have a card to show you at the top of the page, and maybe in the autographs and game-used areas.  If an orange card is struck through, it has also departed the collection.  I’m still accepting donations, should you feel so moved.  Contact me by following this link: NYMHall.

1998 BBM

1998 BBM Diamond Heroes

1999 Seibu Lions

1999 Seibu Lions

1997 BBM All-Star Game #A9 (Fan Selected; Japanese)

1998 BBM #24 (Stolen Base Leader; Japanese)
1998 BBM #539
(Best 9; Japanese)
1998 BBM Diamond Heroes #134
1998 Calbee #024, #092, #145

1999 BBM #14 (Stolen Base Leader; Japanese)
1999 BBM #399
1999 BBM Preview #P66
1999 Calbee #041, #112, #184, #263
1999 Seibu Lions #037, #038, #039, #040, #041, #042, #043, #044, #045

2000 BBM Diamond Heroes

2001 Seibu Lions

2004 Studio

2004 New York Post

2000 BBM #9 ('99 Readers; 178 Hits; Japanese)
2000 BBM #71 (Japanese)
2000 BBM All-Stars #A42 (Fan Selected; Japanese)
2000 BBM Diamond Heroes #33 (Japanese)
2000 BBM Limited #084 (20th Century Best Players; Japanese)
2000 Calbee Title Holders #T-10
2000 ColleCarA
(Future Bee) Power League #024, #115 (Japanese)
2000 Epoch Pro-Baseball Stickers #023 (Japanese)
2000 Konami Field of Nine #FON00T-195
2000 Seibu Lions #064, #065, #066, #067, #068
2000 Upper Deck Ovation #38

2001 BBM Diamond Heroes #259 (Combination; with Takuro Ishii; Japanese)
2001 Calbee #042 (Japanese)
2001 Seibu Lions #KM03, #KM07

2002 BBM All-Stars #A22 (Fan Selected; Japanese)
2002 BBM All-Stars #A64
(All-Star Game MVP; Japanese)
2002 Saitama Seibu Lions #7

2003 BBM Seibu Lions #66 (1000 Games; Japanese)
2003 BBM Seibu Lions #68 (100 Home Run; Japanese)

2004 Donruss Elite #121
2004 Donruss Studio #126
2004 Donruss Studio Stars #SS-29
2004 Donruss Team Heroes #278
2004 Fleer National Pastime History in the Making #30
2004 Fleer Sweet Sigs Sweet Stitches Red #ST-KM (game-worn jersey; 057/125)
2004 New York Post/Fleer #3
2004 Topps Traded and Rookies #T136
2004 Upper Deck #474
(Season Highlights; checklist)
2004 Upper Deck Diamond Collection Pro Sigs #133
(First Class)
2004 Upper Deck r-class Jersey #KM (game-used jersey)

2005 Bazooka #25
2005 Bowman #51
2005 Donruss Champions #214
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold #214 (11/50)
2005 Donruss Classics #89
2005 Donruss Diamond Kings #146
2005 Donruss Elite #94
2005 Donruss Leather & Lumber #79
2005 Donruss Studio #182

2005 Donruss Team Heroes #199

2005 Donruss Throwback Threads Throwback Collection #TC-64 (game-worn uniform; 268/500)
2005 Donruss Timeless Treasures #60
2005 Donruss Zenith #70
2005 Fleer Authentix #25
2005 Fleer Classic Clippings #47
2005 Fleer National Pastime #21
2005 Fleer National Pastime Red Foil #21
2005 Fleer Patchworks #30
2005 Fleer Platinum #50
2005 Fleer Platinum Diamond Dominators #DD/KM (game-worn jersey)
2005 Fleer Showcase #35
2005 Fleer Ultra #11
2005 Fleer Ultra Season Crowns Copper (game-used bat; 147/399)
2005 Leaf #128
2005 Leaf Century Collection #100
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror White #84 (game-worn uniform; 043/250)
2005 Leaf Green #289
2005 Leaf Limited #104
2005 Leaf Press Proofs Blue #128 (64/75)
2005 MLB Showdown #213
2005 Playoff Prestige #89
2005 Playoff Prestige Game-Worn Jersey Collection #2 (game-worn jersey)
2005 Starlight Starbright
(Marc S. Levine) Mets #25
2005 Topps #225
2005 Topps Chrome Refractor #57
2005 Topps Cracker Jack #160
2005 Topps Heritage #28
2005 Topps Opening Day #45
2005 Topps Total #385
2005 Topps Turkey Red #117
2005 Topps Turkey Red Red #117
2005 Uno Mets #2
(blue, green, and orange)
2005 Uno Mets #2 (yellow)
2005 Uno Mets #DRAW 2
(blue, green, orange, and yellow; with Jose Reyes)
2005 Upper Deck #130
2005 Upper Deck #279
(Team Leaders; with Mike Piazza)
2005 Upper Deck MVP #51
2005 Upper Deck Pros & Prospects #70
2005 Upper Deck ProSigs #52
2005 Upper Deck Sweet Spot #70

2007 Topps Heritage

2009 Topps

2006 Bowman #53
2006 Starlight Starbright
(Marc S. Levine) Mets #25
2006 Topps #554
2006 Topps Turkey Red #553
2006 Upper Deck #1062

2007 Bowman #131
2007 Bowman Gold #131
2007 Bowman Heritage #174
2007 Bowman Heritage Foil #174
2007 Topps #210
2007 Topps #210
(red letters)
2007 Topps Heritage #84
2007 Upper Deck #305

2008 Bowman Chrome #44
2008 Bowman Chrome Refractor #44
2008 Topps #25
2008 Topps #581
2008 Topps Allen & Ginter's #48

2008 Topps Gold Foil #25 (NLDS)
2008 Upper Deck #248, #512

2001 Seibu Lions pocket schedule

2009 Topps #49
2009 Topps Heritage #229
2009 Topps 206 #85
(tobacco sized; Piedmont back)
2009 Topps 206 Bronze #85
2009 Upper Deck #156

2010 Bowman Blue #122 (306/520)
2010 Topps #430
2010 Topps 206 Bronze #106
2010 Upper Deck #227

2013 BBM #258 (Japanese)
2013 BBM Cross Wind #CW083
2013 Topps Tribute WBC #59

2015 Topps Allen & Ginter 10th Anniversary Buybacks (2008 Topps Allen & Ginter's #48)

 Other Kazuo Matsui memorabilia in my collection:

2001 Seibu Lions pocket schedule
2002 Seibu Lions
pocket schedule
2003 Seibu Lions
pocket schedule
2003 Seibu Lions Navigation
December 22, 2003 edition of ESPN The Magazine (Matsui on cover)
2005 New York Times Pin Collection
pin (still packaged)

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